WJAX 2013
November 4-8, 2013, Munich, Germany
Talk together with Matthias Lübken: (Home) Office ? ( slides)
Talk: Die PaaS-Parade - Teil 2 - Cloud Foundry ( slides)
Talk: Java8-Tooling in Eclipse ( slides)
EclipseCon Europe 2013
October 29-31, 2013, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Talk together with Max Rydahl Andersen, Michael Scharf, Gunnar Wagenknecht: Making the Eclipse IDE fun again ( slides)
Talk: Optimizing performance - how to make your Eclipse-based tools run faster ( slides)
SpringOne2GX 2013
September 9-12, 2013, Santa Clara, USA
Talk: Tooling for Spring's next generation
JAX 2013
April 22-26, 2013, Mainz, Germany
Talk: Introducing Eclipse Orion ( slides)
Talk: Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript ( slides)
Talk: Die Java-PaaS-Parade (Teil 1) ( slides)
Discussion: Eclipse: State of the Union
33rd Degree 2013
Mar 13-15, 2013, Warsaw, Poland
Talk: Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript ( slides)
Talk: Scripted - Embracing Eclipse Orion ( slides)
BoF: Spring Tooling: What's new and what's coming ( slides)
XP-Days 2012
Nov 29-Dec 1, 2012, Hamburg, Germany
Talk: Why SOLID matters - even for JavaScript ( slides)
Eclipse Demo Camp Bonn 2012
Nov 19, 2012, Bonn, Germany
Demo: Scripted - a lightweight and fast JavaScript editor that runs in your browser - based on Eclipse Orion
Eclipse Demo Camp Hamburg 2012
Nov 14, 2012, Hamburg, Germany
Demo: Scripted - a lightweight and fast JavaScript editor that runs in your browser - based on Eclipse Orion
WJAX 2012
Nov 5-9, 2012, Munich, Germany
Talk: Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript ( slides)
Talk: Browser and Cloud - The Future of IDEs? ( slides)
Talk together with Eberhard Wolff: Die Java-PaaS-Parade (Teil 1) ( slides)
EclipseCon Europe 2012
Oct 23-25, 2012, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Talk: Embracing Eclipse Orion ( slides)
SpringOne2GX 2012
Oct 15-18, 2012, Washington, USA
Talk: What's new with tooling for Spring, Grails and the Cloud ( slides)
Talk: Tooling for the JavaScript Era ( slides)
AdCloud Tech Talk 2012
May 22, 2012, Cologne, Germany
Talk: Why SOLID principles matter - even for JavaScript ( slides)
JAX 2012
April 16-19, 2012, Mainz, Germany
Talk: Moderne Architektur mit Spring und JavaScript ( slides)
Talk: Pimp Your IDE Productivity ( slides)
University of Warwick, Department Seminars
Jan 12, 2012, Coventry, UK
Talk: The daily software engineering life - How to be prepared ( slides)
WJAX 2011
Nov 7-11, 2011, Munich, Germany
Talk: WaveMaker - Spring Roo - SpringSource Tool Suite - Werkzeuge effektiv einsetzen ( slides)
EclipseCon Europe 2011
Nov 2-4, 2011, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Talk together with Chris Frost: All about Virgo ( slides)
JAX London 2011
Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2011, London, UK
Talk: WaveMaker - Spring Roo - SpringSource Tool Suite - Choosing the right tool for the right job ( slides)
SpringOne 2GX 2011
Oct 25-28, 2011, Chicago, USA
Talk together with Andy Clement Spring Tooling Update - New and Noteworthy ( slides)
JAX 2011
May 2-6, 2011, Mainz, Germany
Talk: Spring Tooling - What's Cooking ( slides)
Nordic Coding 2011
April 15, 2011, Kiel, Germany
Talk: OSGi kurzgefasst - und warum gute Medizin bitter sein kann ( slides)
Berlin Expert Days 2011
April 7-8, 2011, Berlin, Germany
Talk: 10 Agile Years Later - Lessons Learned ( slides)
Talk: OSGi Best and Worst Practices ( slides)
WJAX 2010
November 15-19, 2010, Munich, Germany
Talk: Agile Techniken ungeschminkt ( slides)
Java-Forum-Stuttgart 2010
July 1, 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Talk: OSGi Lessons Learned: Best and Worst Practices ( slides)
JAX 2010
May 3-7, 2010, Mainz, Germany
Talk together with Henning Wolf: Was wird aus dem Projektleiter in agilen Projekten? ( slides)
Talk together with Bernd Kolb: Was können Unternehmen von Open-Source lernen? ( slides)
Talk: Wie Modulsysteme Architekturen beeinflussen ( slides)
EclipseCon 2010
March 22-25, 2010, Santa Clara, USA
Talk together with Jeff McAffer, Chris Anisczcyk and Paul VanderLei: OSGi Best and Worst Practices ( slides)
Java User Group Karlsruhe
March 3, 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Talk: OSGi Best and Worst Practices ( slides)
OOP 2010
January 25-29, 2010, Munich, Germany
Talk: Lessons Learned: 5 Years of Building Enterprise OSGi Applications ( slides)
Meet the Experts - Architektur 2009
November 27, 2009, Solingen, Germany
Talk: How Module Systems Drive Architectures ( slides)
WJAX 2009
November 9-13, 2009, Munich, Germany
Talk together with Matthias Lübken: OSGi Best Practices ( slides)
Talk: OSGi Performance Bloopers ( slides)
Talk together with Gerd Wütherich and Peter Roßbach: Mit OSGi Webanwendungen entwickeln: Was geht, was nicht? ( slides)
Eclipse Summit Europe 2009
October 27-29, 2009, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Talk together with Jeff McAffer: OSGi Best Practices ( slides)
Talk: Equinox Weaving: Bytecode Weaving for OSGi ( slides)
JAOO 2009
October 4-9, 2009, Aarhus, Denmark
Talk: OSGi on the Server ( slides)
Java-Forum-Stuttgart 2009
July 2, 2009, Stuttgart, Germany
Talk: Patterns and Best Practices for Dynamic OSGi Applications ( slides)
June 22-23, 2009, Hamburg, Germany
Short Talk: Inkrementeller Entwurf ( slides, in german)
ruhrJUG 2009
May 14, 2009, Essen, Germany
Talk together with Gerd Wütherich: OSGi Service Platform by Example ( slides, in german)
Talk together with Gerd Wütherich: Mit OSGi Webanwendungen entwickeln ( slides, in german)
JAX 2009
April 20-24, 2009, Mainz, Germany
Short Talk: What's New in Equinox Aspects ( slides)
Long Talk together with Gerd Wütherich and Peter Roßbach: Mit OSGi Web-Anwendungen entwickeln - Was geht, was nicht? ( slides in german)
Long Talk: Lessons Learned: 5 Years of Building Enterprise OSGi Applications ( slides)
Long Talk together with Kai Tödter and Gerd Wütherich: Patterns and Best Practices for Dynamic OSGi Applications ( slides)
EclipseCon 2009
March 23-26, 2009, Santa Clara, USA
Long Talk together with Chris Aniszczyk and Bernd Kolb: OSGi for Eclipse Developers ( slides)
Short Talk: What's New in Equinox Aspects ( slides)
OOP 2009
January 26-30, 2009, Munich, Germany
Talk together with Gerd Wütherich and Kai Tödter: Best practices for dynamic OSGi applications ( slides)
XP-Days 2008
November 27-28, 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Talk: Lessons Learned from Adopting "The Eclipse Way" ( slides)
Eclipse Summit Europe 2008
November 18-20, 2008, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Symposium together with Jeff McAffer and Heiko Seeberger: RT Symposium ( Eclipse Wiki Page)
Talk together with Heiko Seeberger: Aspect Weaving for OSGi ( slides)
WJAX 2008
November 3-7, 2008, Munich, Germany
Talk together with Norbert Grosz: Agiles Multi-Projekt-Controlling beim Deutschen Ring ( slides)
Talk together with Matthias Lüken: Umstieg auf OSGi - aber wie? ( slides)
Talk: Classloading and Type Visibility in OSGi ( slides)
Talk: Lessons Learned from Adopting "The Eclipse Way" ( slides)
Talk together with Heiko Seeberger: Aspect Weaving for OSGi ( slides)
Panel together with Heiko Seeberger, Roman Roelofsen, Kai Hackbarth, Peter Kriens and Gerd Wütherich: OSGi Experts Day Panel
October 19-23, 2008, Nashville, USA
Tutorial: Spring and OSGi Combined with Spring Dynamic Modules ( slides)
Demo: Aspect Weaving for OSGi ( slides)
Java Forum Stuttgart 2008
July 3, 2008, Stuttgart, Germany
Talk: Aspect Weaving for OSGi ( slides)
OSGi Community Event 2008
June 10-11, 2008, Berlin, Germany
Talk together with Gerd Wütherich: Spring Dynamic Modules by Example ( slides)
JAX 2008
April 21-25, 2008, Wiesbaden, Germany
Session together with Matthias Lübken and Bernd Kolb: The Equinox Universal Runtime Technology ( slides)
Session together with Bernd Kolb and Gerd Wütherich: Spring-DM, formerly known as Spring-OSGi ( slides)
Session: Classloading and Type Visibility in OSGi ( slides)
Session together with Heiko Seeberger: Using Equinox Aspects in a Real-World Project ( slides)
BoF together with Mike Wiesner, Peter Friese an Bruce Sams: Security nervt?!
EclipseCon 2008
March 17-20, 2008, Santa Clara, USA
Tutorial together with Adrian Colyer and BJ Hargrave: Spring-DM, formerly known as Spring-OSGi ( slides)
Short Talk: Lessons Learned from Adopting the Eclipse Way ( slides)
OOP 2008
January 21-25, 2008, Munich, Germany
Talk: 3 Jahre The Eclipse Way in einem Großprojekt ( slides)
WJAX 2007
November 5-9, 2007, Munich, Germany
Talk: Spring und OSGi ( slides)
Talk: AOP im Einsatz mit OSGi und RCP ( slides)
Talk: The Eclipse Way: Adopting the Process ( slides)
Agile Lightning Talk: Incremental Design in the long run ( slides)
Java-Forum-Stuttgart 2007
July 5, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany
Talk: Spring-OSGi: Die Integration von Spring und OSGi ( slides)
SpringOne 2007
June 20-22, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium
Talk: Spring and Eclipse RCP ( slides)
Talk: Hands-On Spring-OSGi ( slides)
EclipsIST: Turkish Eclipse Summit 2007
April 30, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
Talk: OSGi and Eclipse Equinox Explained ( slides)
JAX 2007
April 23-27, 2007, Wiesbaden, Germany
Session together with Gerd Wütherich and Bernd Kolb: Spring and OSGi kombiniert: Plattform der Zukunft ( slides)
Session: The Eclipse Way - Part 2: Adopting the Process ( slides)
Session together with Gernot Neppert: Flexible Architekturen mit der Eclipse Extension-Point-Technologie ( slides)
EclipseCon 2007
March 5-8, 2007, Santa Clara, USA
Short Tutorial together with BJ Hargrave: Spring and OSGi Combined ( slides and team project set)
Short Tutorial together with Jochen Hiller, Gunnar Wagenknecht and Simon Kaegi: Building Server-Side Eclipse based web applications [Part 1] ( tutorial materials)
Short Talk: Spring-OSGi: The Integration of Spring Framework and OSGi ( slides)
The Spring Experience 2006
December 7-10, 2006, Hollywood, Florida, USA
Talk: Spring and Eclipse RCP ( slides)
iX-Konferenz Bessere Software 2006
November 27-30, 2006, Frankfurt, Germany
Talk: Building Applications for Multiple Platforms using Eclipse Rich Client Platform ( slides)
Talk: Spring und Eclipse Equinox kombiniert (in german) ( slides)
XP Days Germany 2006
November 24, 20056, Hamburg, Germany
Talk: Agile Entwicklung a la The Eclipse Way (in german) ( slides)
WJAX 2006
November 6-10, 2006, Munich, Germany
Session together with Gerd Wütherich and Bernd Kolb: Spring und OSGi: Plattform der Zukunft (in german) ( slides)
Session together with Bernd Kolb: Server-Side Eclipse (in german) ( slides)
Eclipse Summit Europe 2006
Oct, 11-12, 2006, Esslingen, Germany
Contribution to the Server-Side-Eclipse Symposium: Spring and OSGi ( slides)
Java-Forum-Stuttgart 2006
July 6, 2006, Stuttgart, Germany
Session: Server-Side Eclipse ( slides)
XP 2006
June 17-22, 2006, Oulu, Finland
Tutorial together with Matthias Lübken: Merciless Refactoring with Eclipse (slides: part 1, part 2)
Eclipse Forum Europe 2006
May 8-11, 2006, Wiesbaden, Germany
Power-Workshop together with Bernd Kolb: Developing Eclipse Rich Client Applications
Session together with Bernd Kolb: Server-Side Eclipse ( slides)
Session together with Frank Gerhardt: Beyond Code Reuse: Adopting the Eclipse Architecture ( slides)
Session together with Frank Gerhardt: Evolve Your RCP Application Architecture from Small to Large ( slides)
Session together with Bernd Schiffer: Merciless Refactoring mit Eclipse, Teil 1 ( slides)
Session together with Bernd Schiffer: Merciless Refactoring mit Eclipse, Teil 2 (in german) ( slides)
JAX 2006
May 8-12, 2006, Wiesbaden, Germany
Session together with Gerd Wütherich: Spring und Eclipse Equinox kombiniert (in german) ( slides)
EclipseCon 2006
Mar 20 - Mar 23, 2006, Santa Clara, USA
Demo together with Matthew Webster: Integrating Load-Time Weaving into OSGi ( zipped ppt)
Short Talk together with Frank Gerhardt: Beyond Code Reuse: Adopting the Eclipse Architecture ( zipped ppt)
Short Talk together with Frank Gerhardt: Implementing Aspect-Oriented RCP-Applications ( zipped ppt)
XP-Days Germany 2005
Nov 21-22, 2005, Karlsruhe, Germany
Program Committee Member
W-JAX 2005
Nov 14-17, 2005, Munich, Germany
Power-Workshop together with Bernd Kolb: Die Eclipse Rich Client Platform im Einsatz (in german) ( slides)
Session together with Andreas Havenstein: Refactoring in kleinen und großen Projekten (in german) ( slides)
Oct 16-20, 2005, San Diego, USA
Tutorial: Merciless Refactoring with Eclipse ( slides)
Tutorial together with Markus Völter: Models and Aspects: How to use MDSD and AOSD together ( slides)
Workshop together with Jens Coldewey and Klaus Marquardt: Beyond the Project Myth - Agile Development and Product Environments
Experten-Forum-Stuttgart 2005
July 8, 2005, Stuttgart, Germany
Tutorial together with Frank Gerhardt: Eclipse-Technologien als Basis für unternehmensweite Desktop-Anwendungen (in german) ( slides)
Java-Forum-Stuttgart 2005
July 7, 2005, Stuttgart, Germany
Session together with Frank Gerhardt: Die Eclipse Rich Client Platform (in german) ( slides)
Session: Dependency Injection in der Praxis: Spring, PicoContainer und Eclipse im Vergleich (in german) ( slides)
JAX 2005
May 9-13, 2005, Frankfurt, Germany
Power-Workshop together with Bernd Kolb: Die Eclipse Rich Client Platform (in german) ( slides, code)
Eclipse Code Camp together with Erich Gamma, Dirk Bäumer, Christof Marti, Tobias Widmer, Bernd Kolb, Tammo Freese, Markus Völter and Jochen Krause
Session together with Tammo Freese: Dynamische Plug-ins mit Eclipse 3.0 (in german) ( slides)
Session together with Bernd Kolb: Alles neu mit SWT? (in german) ( slides)
Session together with Stefan Roock: Refactorings in großen Softwareprojekten (in german) ( slides)
EclipseCon 2005
Feb 28 - Mar 3, 2005, Burlingame, USA
Poster: Load-Time Aspect Weaving for the Eclipse Platform ( pdf)
Entwicklertage 2005
Feb 14-17, 2005, Frankfurt, Germany
Power Workshop together with Bernd Kolb: Entwicklung von Rich Clients mit Eclipse 3.0 (in german) ( pdf)
XP Days 2004 Germany
Nov 22-23, 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany
Talk: Refactorings in großen Softwareprojekten (in german) ( pdf)
W-JAX 2004
Nov 15-18, 2004, Munich, Germany
Live-Session: Eclipse Plug-ins entwickeln (in german)
Talk: Die Eclipse Rich Client Platform (in german) ( pdf)
PostCon Power Workshop together with Bernd Kolb and Markus Völter: Entwicklung von Rich Clients mit Eclipse 3.0 (in german)
October 24-28, 2004, Vancouver, Canada
Demo: AJEER: An AspectJ-enabled Eclipse Runtime
Poster: AJEER: An AspectJ-enabled Eclipse Runtime
Workshop: Ontologies as Software Engineering Artifacts
Java Forum Stuttgart 2004
July 1, 2004, Stuttgart, Germany
Talk together with Stefan Roock:
Refactorings in großen Softwareprojekten ( pdf, in german)
XP 2004
June 6-10, 2004, Garmisch, Germany
Towards a Proper Integration of Large Refactorings in Agile Software Development ( pdf)
AOSD 2004
March 22-26, 2004, Lancaster, UK
An AspectJ-enabled Eclipse Runtime Engine ( pdf)
Eclipse BoF:
Extending the Eclipse Runtime ( pdf)
ICSTest-E 2003
November 24-25, 2003, Bilbao, Spain
Opening Keynote:
Extreme Programming - Myths and Realities ( pdf)
October 26-30, 2003, Anaheim, USA
Ontologies and Software Architectures
An AspectJ-enabled Eclipse Core Runtime
Visualizing and AspectJ-enabling Eclipse Plugins using Bytecode Instrumentation
Position Paper: Large Refactorings in Agile Software Development - for the Workshop on
Beyond Green-Field Software Development: Strategies for Reengineering and Evolution
NetObjectDays 2003
September 22-25, 2003, Erfurt, Germany
Building Non-IDE Applications with Eclipse_s Plug-in Component Model
ICSTest-UK 2003
September 9-10, 2003, London, United Kingdom
Experiences from Agile Development Projects - Producing High-Quality Code All The Time
ECOOP 2003
July 21-25, 2003, Darmstadt, Germany
An AspectJ-enabled Eclipse Core Runtime
XP 2003
May 25-29, 2003, Genova, Italy
Metahor Design Patterns
Panel: Teaching Team Work: An Extreme Week for First-Year Programmers, presented within the panel discussion:
Extreme Educational Symposium Panel: XP in the Educational Setting
ICSTest 2003
April 2-4, 2003, Cologne, Germany
Experiences from Agile Development Projects - Producing High-Quality Code All The Time
AOSD 2003
March 17-21, 2003, Boston, USA
Preview Presentation at Eclipse BoF:
An AspectJ-enabled Eclipse Core Runtime
XP/Agile Universe 2002
August 4-7, 2002, Chicago, USA
How to Start an XP Project: The Initial Phase
ECOOP 2002
June 10-14, 2002, Malaga, Spain
Using and Adapting Extreme Programming
XP 2002
May 26-29, 2002, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
Testing in XP
ICSTest 2002
April 17-19, 2002, Düsseldorf, Germany
Extreme Testing: XPs Test-First Programming
Be Pragmatic and Play to Win: Experiences with Extreme Programming in Professional Projects
OOP 2002
January 20-24, 2002, Munich, Germany
Extreme Programming in komplexen Projektsituationen
ECOOP 2001
June 18-22, 2001, Budapest, Hungary
Adapting XP to Complex Application Domains
XP 2001
May 20-23, 2001, Villasimius, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
XP in Complex Project Settings: Some Extensions
Stabilizing the XP Process Using Specialized Tools
Diagnosing evolution in test-infected code
Position Paper:
Advises, tricks and best practices - for the 1st Experience Exchange Workshop
HICSS 2001
January 3-6, 2001, Island of Maui, Hawaii, USA
Domain Services for Multichannel Application Software
October 15-19, 2000, Minneapolis, USA
From Documents to Applications via Frameworks: The Tools and Materials Approach
Tool-Box Frameworks - The New Challenge Beyond Black-Box And White-Box
Position Paper: The JWAM Framework: Inspired by Research, Reality-Tested by Commercial Utilization - for the Workshop on
Methods and Tools for Object-Oriented Framework Development and Specialization
XP 2000
June 21-23, 2000, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
JWAM and XP - Using XP for framework development
ECOOP 2000
June 12-16, 2000, Sophia Antipolis and Cannes, France
Position Paper: Using AspectJ(tm) For Programming The Detection and Handling of Exceptions- for the workshop on
Exception Handling in Object Oriented Systems
ICSE 2000
June 4-11, 2000, Limerick, Ireland
A Study on Exception Detection and Handling Using Aspect-Oriented Programming
ICSTest 2000
April 5-7, 2000, Bonn, Germany
Using Unit Testing to Drive Effective Programming
Summer Intern at Xerox PARC
May - August, 1999, Palo Alto, USA
I worked for the AspectJ project at Xerox PARC as a summer intern. My main research was to try out
the newly created AspectJ language for framework and application development and to provide input
for the language design.
SI2000 1998
February 23-26, 1998, Berlin, Germany
Operating and Window Systems will never strike back or Independence day for Java developers